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Brazil (PT)
Ingersoll Rand® / ARO® currently warrants tothe original use purchaser of the Ingersoll Rand / ARO PistonPumps-manufactured products depicted in this catalog that IngersollRand / AROPiston Pumps will repair or replace free ofcharge, including return shipping costs within the continental UnitedStates of America, any such product which under normal use and serviceproves defective in material or workmanship, as determined by AROInspection, within five (5) years from the date of purchase, providedthe claimed defective product or thereof is promptly returned to theIngersoll Rand / ARO Piston Pumps factory or Customer Service Centerwith transportation charges prepaid.
Product Warranty Schedule
Bomba Pneumática de Duplo Diafragma |
5 anos |
Filtros, Reguladores e Lubrificadores |
2 anos |
Bomba de Pistão |
5 anos |
Válvulas e Cilindros |
5 anos |
Amortecedores de Pulsação |
5 Years |
Reguladores de Fluido |
5 anos |
Agitadores |
18 meses |
Bomba Elétrica de Processo Série EP |
2 anos |
Bomba Elétrica de Processo Série EB |
1 ano |
If Ingersoll Rand / ARO Piston Pumps inspection discloses no defectin material or workmanship, repair or replacement and return will bemade at customary charges.
The foregoing warranty supersedes, voids, and is in lieu of all orany other warranties, express or implied, and no warranty ofmerchantability or fitness for particular purpose is intended or made.The sole obligation of Ingersoll Rand / ARO Piston Pumps and theoriginal-use purchaser’s sole remedy is as stated above, and in noevent shall Ingersoll Rand / ARO Piston Pumps be liable for anyspecial, direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or other damagesor expenses of any nature including, without limitation, loss ofprofits or production time incurred by the original-use purchaser orany other party.
Ingersoll Rand / ARO Piston Pumps warrant to the original-usepurchaser of the air systems components depicted in this catalog thatIngersoll Rand / ARO Piston Pumps will repair or replace, free ofcharge, including return shipping costs within the continental UnitedStates of America, any such product which under normal use and serviceproves defective in material or workmanship, as determined by AROInspection, within twelve (12) months from the date of purchaseprovided the claimed defective product or thereof is promptly returnedto the Ingersoll Rand / ARO Piston Pumps Customer Service RepairCenter or a factory-authorized service repair center, withtransportation charges prepaid. Full warranty information is availableupon request.
Pump sound pressure levels published here have been updated to anEquivalent Continuous Sound Level (LAeq) to meet the intent of ANSIS1.13-1971. CAGI-PNEUROP S5.1 using four (4) microphone locations.
A ARO é Fluid Intelligence e um fabricante líder mundial de produtos para manuseio de fluidos que são engenheirados de forma especializada para oferecer desempenho e capacidade de serviço, permitindo que nossos clientes alcancem o melhor custo total de propriedade.
209 N. Main Street
Bryan, Ohio 43506 | 800-495-0276