Chemical Compatibility Guide

ARO is pleased to present this selection guide to provide a convenient and informative reference tool for diaphragm pump and piston pump selection. This guide was compiled from information provided by material suppliers and manufacturers.

A = Excellent, B = Good, C = Fair to Poor, D = Not recommended

X or Brackets around a rating letter indicate that no data is available, but the ratings are made on the basis of exposure test in similar chemical groups.

The chemical compatibility listings are intended as a guide only.We assume no liability for the accuracy of their use. The usershould test under their own operating conditions to determine thesuitability of any compound and material in a particular application.

Thermoplastic Elastomers (TPEs) vs Thermosetting Rubber Diaphragms

Traditional thermoset includes Buna-N (TS), EPR, Neoprene®, Viton®

Thermoplastic Compounds (TPE)

Thermoset (TS)

Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)

Halogenated Solvents Explosion Hazard

Wet End Material Compatibility Guide
